Fitness Blog

Transform your fitness journey with our blog, where we blend expert advice, motivational stories, and the latest trends to guide you toward a healthier, stronger version of yourself. From workout routines to nutrition tips that fuel your success, we hope these articles will be help you achieve your wellness goals.


Make the Ultimate Achievement a Reality: Why You Should Consider Running a Marathon

Overcoming Common Fears: Why the Asheville Triathlon is Perfect for First Timers

Top 10 Finish Line Moments

Trail Running 101: Mastering the Mountains of Western North Carolina

5 Ways to Run Strong This Summer

Your watch is awesome – Except when it isn’t

Open Hearts Art Center

5 Ways to Hack Your Run: Making Running More Enjoyable and Effortless

Discover the Future of Personalized Health

Top 5 Cheer Signs From the Past Year

Embracing the Run: A Journey Beyond Limits

2024 Asheville Trail Running Film Festival

Exciting News: We are Partnering with Fuel Goods!

Discover the Joy of Running with CJ from SmallCakes

Maximizing Your Results: The Power of Nutrient Timing

A Health Journey: Why Kate Finally Made the Decision to Change her Lifestyle

Athlete Spotlight: Jessika, Endurance Athlete & Appalachian Trail Class of 2021

JAMBAR: Fueling Dreams with Delicious and Healthy Energy Bars

How to do a Flip Turn in the Pool

Top 10 Places to Run in Western North Carolina (WNC)

iDream Athletes scholarship spotlight: Stella and Scarlett Slingsby

A Fitness Journey: How Kate Bounced Back After Injury

iDream Athletes Foundation: Taking Athletes to New Heights

The impact of an upcoming event, hits home for a WNC Family

When Your Garmin and Race Distance Don’t See Eye-To-Eye: The Truth About USATF Certified Courses

Introducing Jessica Payne – iDream Athlete Spotlight Foundation Scholarship Winner

Athlete Spotlight: Meet iDaph Ambassador Betsy B.

Athlete Spotlight: Shelby on Running with Drop Foot

Running on Thin Air

Winter Triathlon Training Tips