Fitness Blog

Transform your fitness journey with our blog, where we blend expert advice, motivational stories, and the latest trends to guide you toward a healthier, stronger version of yourself. From workout routines to nutrition tips that fuel your success, we hope these articles will be help you achieve your wellness goals.


Celebrating Families that Run Together: Fostering the Next Generation of Runners

Make the Ultimate Achievement a Reality: Why You Should Consider Running a Marathon

Overcoming Common Fears: Why the Asheville Triathlon is Perfect for First Timers

Top 10 Finish Line Moments

Trail Running 101: Mastering the Mountains of Western North Carolina

5 Ways to Run Strong This Summer

Your watch is awesome – Except when it isn’t

Open Hearts Art Center

5 Ways to Hack Your Run: Making Running More Enjoyable and Effortless

Discover the Future of Personalized Health

Top 5 Cheer Signs From the Past Year

Embracing the Run: A Journey Beyond Limits

2024 Asheville Trail Running Film Festival

Exciting News: We are Partnering with Fuel Goods!

Discover the Joy of Running with CJ from SmallCakes

Maximizing Your Results: The Power of Nutrient Timing

A Health Journey: Why Kate Finally Made the Decision to Change her Lifestyle

Athlete Spotlight: Jessika, Endurance Athlete & Appalachian Trail Class of 2021

JAMBAR: Fueling Dreams with Delicious and Healthy Energy Bars

How to do a Flip Turn in the Pool

Top 10 Places to Run in Western North Carolina (WNC)

iDream Athletes scholarship spotlight: Stella and Scarlett Slingsby

A Fitness Journey: How Kate Bounced Back After Injury

iDream Athletes Foundation: Taking Athletes to New Heights

The impact of an upcoming event, hits home for a WNC Family

When Your Garmin and Race Distance Don’t See Eye-To-Eye: The Truth About USATF Certified Courses

Introducing Jessica Payne – iDream Athlete Spotlight Foundation Scholarship Winner

Athlete Spotlight: Meet iDaph Ambassador Betsy B.

Athlete Spotlight: Shelby on Running with Drop Foot

Running on Thin Air