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July 30, 2024

Why Every Runner Should Find Time for Yoga

By Daphne Kirkwood, Race Director

For me, running was love at first sight. The pounding on the pavement, the energetic demands, and the blissful release it offered my mind and body was unparalleled. Then, yoga entered my life—not with a bang, but with a slow, persistent whisper.

At first, I was the queen of sneaking out before shavasana. "Sorry, gotta run," I’d tell the instructor, making up excuses about appointments or meetings. Truth is, I didn't want to lie down and chill; I wanted to keep that post-yoga high and energy going all day.

But something shifted over time. After years of sporadic practice, I finally embraced the stillness. I learned to savor the end-of-class calm and be present in the moment, integrating every ounce of lessons and goodness the yoga class had to offer.

In 2018, my relationship with yoga took a more profound turn when I was diagnosed with cancer. Despite feeling awful, yoga was a constant I could lean on. It became a home practice that was consistent and regular, acting as both a physical and emotional anchor.

Interestingly, I noticed that the more I practiced yoga, the better I felt while running, biking, and swimming. My flexibility improved, and my body felt more balanced. I realized yoga wasn't just an add-on; it was a life-changer.

Here are my favorite SEVEN yoga poses that have transformed my running:

  1. Pigeon Pose
    This one is a lifesaver for tight hips. I still use a block under my thigh, and while it hurts so good, it's absolutely essential.
  2. Balance Poses
    Balancing on one leg has not only improved my steadiness but also revealed hidden weaknesses to work on. I have been able to fix running injuries by strengthening these weak area.
  3. Downward Dog
    The classic stretch for the hamstrings and calves. Plus, it’s a great excuse to wag your tail for a few moments. 🙂
  4. Cat-Cow Stretch
    This dynamic duo loosens up the spine and warms up the body for more strenuous activity. I close my eyes and just go for it.
  5. Bridge Pose
    A great way to strengthen the glutes and open up the chest, making breathing during runs a breeze. I like to put a block under my back to elevate my hips.
  6. Low Lunge
    Opens up the hips and relieves tension in the lower back. It's a runner's best friend and a great way to get into that pesky psoas!
  7. Breathwork
    It's the Secret Sauce- Okay it isn't a pose per se. But yoga taught me to control my breathing, which translated directly into my running and my every day life. Deep, conscious breaths improved my stamina, my awareness that ALL is tied to our breath. It’s like having a secret weapon—who knew breathing could be so powerful?

Yoga didn't replace my love for running; it complemented it. It showed me that sometimes the best way to move forward is to slow down, breathe, and find balance. Interested in adding yoga to your routine? Start with these poses and watch how they enhance your running. And remember, it's not about perfection; it's about progress. Namaste and happy running!
