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September 3, 2024

Why You Should Try Sauna & Cold Plunge for Quick Recovery


If you're looking for ways to speed up post-race recovery, look no further than the power-packed combo of saunas and cold plunges. The contrast between hot and cold stimulates the body, enhancing circulation and reducing inflammation. It’s a dynamic duo that helps athletes perform at their best and decrease inflammation and injuries. 

Why Sauna?

Stepping into a sauna is like giving your body (and mind) a gentle hug of warmth. Here’s how it can boost your athletic game and aid in post race recovery:

Six Benefits of Sauna:

  • Muscle and Joint Relief: Wave goodbye to post race muscle tension and joint pain and discomfort as the sauna's heat works its magic to alleviate muscle aches and pains. 
  • Stress Buster: Feel all the build up of training and race stress melt away, making it easier to unwind and relax later in the day. Say goodbye to post-race monkey mind! 
  • Immunity Booster: By raising your body temperature, you give your immune system a gentle nudge to perform better. Hey there immune system, work for me - not against me! 
  • Detoxifying Power: Sweating it out in the sauna helps flush out toxins, leaving you feeling refreshed and lighter. 
  • Circulation Boost: The soothing heat promotes better blood flow, improving circulation throughout your body.
  • Respiratory Health: The sauna's heat hydrates your respiratory tract mucus, which is excellent for your lungs especially after you have given them a good workout at the race. 

Cold Plunge into Quick Recovery

Now, let's talk about the cold plunge. If you're anything like me, you'll ease into it—hands and arms last! Race Director Daphne laughs, "I haven't dared to dunk my head yet, but I imagine the freezing cold water shrinking all my inflammation away. Bye bye, inflammation." That image keeps me in longer and maybe it'll help you, too!

Key Benefits of Cold Plunge:

  • Inflammation Fighter: Cold water immersion is your best bet for reducing inflammation and swelling post-workout. Less inflammation = less chance of injuries! WIN WIN!
  • Recovery Accelerator: Perfect for athletes, it aids in faster muscle recovery and provides pain and muscle relief. Feel an injury coming on? Hop in a cold plunge! 
  • Mental Clarity Enhancer: The cold plunge gives your nervous system a jolt, sharpening focus and mental clarity.
  • Energy Booster: Feel the surge of revitalization and energy post-plunge—it’s the perfect pick-me-up.

The Heat & Cold Combo

The real magic happens when you combine both experiences. Sauna and cold plunge back-to-back is like hitting the reset button on your body and mind. It’s a holistic approach to athlete wellness that maximizes the benefits of each practice.

Try It on Race Day with Hygge Elements Mobile Experience

Ready to give it a shot? Hygge Elements brings this unique sauna and cold plunge experience directly to you. You'll find their mobile sauna and cold plunge set up at some of our upcoming events, including the Black Bear Half Marathon and 8k in October. Bring your bathing suit or tank top and shorts and a towel, and get ready to recover faster and better after a race than you ever have before. 

Pre-Book your sauna and cold plunge session online for only $15. Each cycle includes a 15-minute sauna and a 2-5 minute cold plunge, with six available slots every 30 minutes. Spots are limited, so don't miss out on this chance to enhance your wellness routine.

Cheers to a healthier, less injured and more energized and revitalized you!
